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Five Element Acupuncture is a classical, holistic and effective style of medicine, which approaches treating and healing at a constitutional level, merely utilizing symptoms as a signal or guide to a deeper imbalance. Five Element Acupuncture has the ability to create balance within the mind, body and spirit. This congruency can be refl
Five Element Acupuncture is a classical, holistic and effective style of medicine, which approaches treating and healing at a constitutional level, merely utilizing symptoms as a signal or guide to a deeper imbalance. Five Element Acupuncture has the ability to create balance within the mind, body and spirit. This congruency can be reflected in positive changes in perspective, a deeper understanding of self and the ability to transform into ones authentic self.
Chinese herbs can address unhealthy body patterns and are a great supplement to acupuncture treatments. We use Chinese herbs for allergies, immune support, digestive issues, insomnia, anxiety, depression, PTSD and gynecological disorders.
An alternative non-invasive approach to more vibrant skin and healthy aging. While utilizing the Mei Zen protocol we incorporate constitutional treatments, working from the inside out to achieve optimal results. Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture includes a series of 10 treatments, 2 times a week for five weeks with maintenance once a month fo
An alternative non-invasive approach to more vibrant skin and healthy aging. While utilizing the Mei Zen protocol we incorporate constitutional treatments, working from the inside out to achieve optimal results. Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture includes a series of 10 treatments, 2 times a week for five weeks with maintenance once a month following.
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